Inasmuch as our emerging Anthrakia Community is somewhat ecumenical (and wishing to be more so always), I’m going to publish an ecumenial calendar of sorts that will highlight what we Christians in various traditions are thinking about and praying for as we move through the days of our lives. Realizing that I may not be fully aware of important dates, commemorations, and festivals that are important to you ( I know next to nothing, for example, about important days Mennonites hold special), I ask that you supplement the calendar with what you think important for all of us to know and share with one another. Admittedly for a while, I'll be "calendaring" from a Lutheran heritage, but I will do my best to be as inclusive as possible. Just recently, for example, I discovered that a number of Christians are marking their calendars on November 12, 2006, as an "
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church." That, it seems to me, sets aside a day and a concern worth taking seriously. As I develop our awareness of who’s doing what when, right now I’m relying on what I can gather from published calendars, hymnals, parish notices, and so on. As I find more resources, I'll share them. Please join in by making our shared sense of “sacred time” as complete as possible.
In late December, in addition to the Advent Sundays and Christmas Eve and Day, many traditions make a special effort to note and/or provide worship for the following remembrances associated with the life of Jesus and the mystery of our redemption.
December 18, Mary, the Lord's Servant
December 21, St. Thomas, Apostle
December 26, St. Stephen, Deacon and Martye
December 27, St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
December 28, The Holy Innocents
As we come closer to each of these days, I post a few words about each of them. Once again, if you know of a day or series of days that's important for you Christian life, worship, and service, create a post and let us know!
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